What to Expect From Schizophrenia Medications


Schizophrenia can be managed by antipsychotic drugs. However, these drugs come with side effects. Antipsychotics work by alternating brain chemistry to help reduce psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking.

Antipsychotic medicines are primarily used to manage psychosis. The word “psychosis” is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, and in which there has been some loss of contact with reality, often including delusions (false, fixed beliefs) or hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not really there). It can be a symptom of a physical condition such as drug abuse or a mental disorder such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or very severe depression (also known as “psychotic depression”).

It’s important to remember that each person responds to antipsychotic drugs differently. They also take time to control the different symptoms each one experiences. To be sure, consult your doctor regarding questions about these drugs or avail of our telehealth services.

If you are curious about how well these medications work, know that their efficacy may depend on an individual’s age when the illness began, how bad one’s symptoms are, and the individual’s lifestyle habits. Sometimes, people may even need to try a different dose or medication but stopping the intake of your medications is a big no. If you experience negative symptoms while taking these meds, such as social withdrawal, lack of emotional expression, or lack of motivation, your doctor can suggest ways to address them.

To date, newer or atypical antipsychotics have been found to work better to improve problems with showing emotion, trouble in interacting with others, and general symptoms of anxiety, tension, guilt, and poor attention or judgment. While the older and newer antipsychotic drugs share some side effects, the newer ones are more successful in alleviating said symptoms.

Our psychiatric care in Texas can help you with medication management. To start, you must be informed of the common side effects of antipsychotic medications – drowsiness, dizziness, blurry vision, rapid heartbeat, and sensitivity to the sun, among others. Always be careful when taking these medications and be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions.

To know more, you can call NORTHRIDGE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH today. We offer mental health services in San Antonio, Texas.

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